" Honourable
Chief Guest, ladies & Gentlemen,
gives us immense pleasure, to have you all This morn ing as we celebrate
our 13th Annual Prize-giving Day.
are very grateful to our Chief Guest, Mr. Deepak Upreti, of the I.A .Service,
who at a very short notice accepted our invitation to preside over today’s
function. Mr.Devendra Singh who was originally scheduled to be the Chief
Guest expressed his regrets due to ill-health. Mr.Upreti was Collector
& District Magistrate at Alwar before taking up his present posting
as Managing Director of Raj as than Roadways Corporation, Mr.Upreti has
evinced keen interest in our school. Thank you. Sir, for your gracious
Scholastic year under review got off to a flying start with 2200 students
and 75 teachers on its rolls.
Results :-We sent up 121 students for the All India Secondary School
Certificate Examination. Out of these, 101 secured a I Division, 19 were
placed in the II Division and 1 secured a III Division. Thus securing
100% pass results for the 5th year running. There were 527
distinctions in all - a record in itself.
- Smita Yadav
of Class XI A was awarded the certificate of merit in English and
Maths by the CBSE.
- Prateek Mittal
of Class XI B was awarded the certificate of merit. in Maths by the
- Sudhanshu
Pardasani of Class XI A, Gaurav Agarwal of Class XI A,
and Smita Yadav of XI A were selected for N.T.S.E. in the 1998-99.
- Gaurav Agarwal
of Class XI was awarded the Third Rank in Rajasthan Mathematical Olympiad.
- Five Students
of Class XII, Viz., Ninad Singh, Laxmikant Vyas, Parijat Singh Rathore
, Indu Bhagat and Sughanda Agarwal qualified for the Roorkee Sngineering
screening test.
- Rohit Baweja,
Parijat Singh, Laxmikant Vyas, Indu Bhagat, Akansha Gupta and Nitin
Gupta qualified for the IlT screening test.
Co-curricular Activities
at Anselm’s aim at the all-round development of the young. It has been
endeavour to impart a balanced education, based on sound, moral, intellectual
and social values -
who pass out from this school are equipped to be honest, gentle, sensitive,
law-abiding, respectful, obedient and loyal. They have been taught to
stand upright in every situation and never to compromise on principles.
To this end a good many hours were spent on co-curricular activities and
inter-school State Competitions. The list of achievers in this regard
is long. I shall only mention a few names.
- Silviya Thomas and
Nitin Ajmera of Class XI B secured 1st Position in Inter
School Debate Competition held at Seedling Public School, Jaipur.
- Anjali Mehta, Piyush
Arora and Seema Nagpal of XII B secured IInd Position in Inter-School
Quiz Competition held at Seedling Public School and all five of them
received a prize in Over All performance.
- Subin Thoppil and Nihar
Bafna of Class IX B participated in the Discovery Channel Quiz Competition
organised by Close Up. They secured 4th Position amongst
25 schools .
- Honey Kaushik was selected
to represent Rajasthan in the Colgate ‘ Close-Up Anthakshari for Zee
music channel.
- Vibhuti Mehta of Class
IX B was awarded for her outstanding performance in dance by the All
India U.C.O. Bank Conference held at Birla Auditorium.
- Akshat Singhal of Class
IX C has been certified as the youngest Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineer at the age of 14. He has secured an all Rajasthan highest
score in his NT workstation exam. He learnt Java and C Computer languages
by himself on his own Computer. Akshat had started making Websites
on his own since the age of 13. He developed a Website for our school
and also for Amit Bhardwaj, paying tribute to the brave soldier, the
martyr of Jaipur. He also developed an online tutorial of Computers
for beginners which illustrates the working and processes in a computer
for amateur computer users. He also has a website called Net Pals.
Akshat has also created a Website for an educational institute for
Communication skills - Genesis.
& Sports :-
school firmly believes in the adage "all studies and no games makes
Jack: a dull boy". Due emphasis is laid on proper physical development
of a child through regular outdoor games and competitions.
- Akshi Bhargava of Class
XI B was awarded, the Gold Medal in Rajasthan State Taekwondo Championship
held at Chaugan Stadium, Jaipur. She was awarded Gold Medal in Jaipur
District Taekwondo Championship held at Scholars Academy Jaipur. Akshi
was awarded the Gold Medal and was declared the "best player
in Rajasthan State Taekwondo Championship . heId at G.B.Modi Vidhya
Mandir, Jhunjhunu.
- Ravi Soni of Class
VII D secured Third Position in Chess Competition organised by the
All India Chess Federation.
- Jay Rungta of Class
VIII D played Table Tennis Nationals and represented Rajasthan at
the 65th Inter State Tournament held at Calicut. He won
the Championship of Sub-Junior states held at Jodhpur, Chittor, Bharatpur
and Ajmer. He represented Jaipur as the first player of the Sub-Junior
- Shivani Pal of Class
VII A was awarded the Sub-Junior Title (Winner) in State Junior T.T.
Championship, organised by Rajasthan T.T. Association.
- Gaurav Makkar of Class
VIII B was awarded 2nd Prize in State Chess Competition
organised by Sleepwell Matresses.
- Mudit Bhatia of Class
VI A. won the District level badminton tournament held at S.M.S.Stadium
- Vinati Gupta of Class
VII A, stood 1st in the West Zone Rock Climbing Competition
in Junior Girls Category held at Bikaner. She was also selected for
National Artificial Wall Climbing Competition to represent West Zone
in Delhi.
- Vinamra Gupta of Class
IX C also represented Rajasthan in Wall Climbing at the National level.
- Aditi Jain of Class
VII D stood first in Inter-State Dance Competition held at Ram Leela
grounds . She has won many awards for Dancing.
- Apoorva Maharshi and
Ruchi of Class IX represented Rajasthan in the under 18 Girls Basket-ball
Championship held at Bhopal.
other things the school organised a well appreciated Craft and Commerce
Exhibition for the students and parents.
the Kargil War our school children and teachers spontaneously came forward
and contributed a sum of Rs.2,63,000/-. This sum was handed over to the
Chief Minister in person.
The school is on the internet now, with a Website of its own, created
by Akshat Singhal of Class IX.
year we would be sending out the first batch of 96 Class XII students
for the All India Senior Secondary School CBSE board examination. They
are a batch of high achievers having in their
NTS Scholars, a Rajasthan CBSE topper, Mathematics Olympiad, outstanding
debators, sportsmen, prospective IITians, Doctors, Engineers, Tata’a and
Birla’s. We wish them the very best in life. This report would not be
complete if I did not place on record our gratitude to God Himself for
making the seemingly difficult things easy; to all our dedicated teachers,
for their loyalty, hard work, and total involvement in the life of the
school; to all our parents, for their enthusiastic support and co-operation;
to our children who are a cut above the rest of their counterparts elsewhere.
finally, thank you, Sir, for so gladly agreeing to be the Chief Guest
this morning. It was a pleasure having you.
Bless one & all. "